Monday, July 11, 2011

Three short poems ... I ~ Am ~ Me

Poem 1. I
When you couldn't be the one I adored
                 I became that lie
   I grew my mask
Crawled into your illusion
my social wings
            already explored and torn

Poem 2. Am

always a little late
even on the turn
their is nothing right
or wrong
or more
my naked illusions have been shattered
Im just a reflection passing by

Poem 3. Me

I am just a breath away
I look at you
my affection disappears
your memory next to me
I keep it close enough
don't I
This memory of me

I am just a breath away
I remember eyes wide open
You watching me watching you
your memory next to me

Yet I cant remember this me
I see a me of reflections
in every mirror I see
parts of me
reflected yet
I don't recognize this me

I am just a breath away from me
I don't recognize

1 comment:

  1. Your poetry cuts deep here Beez. All three. Well done my friend.
